Resource Pages

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Please Don't Forget Women!

[T-Plus 38 Days... I counted]

So this is a topic that I am not going to drop: PrEP is absolutely, unequivocally for women as well and as much as it is for men. Throughout this blog, I tend to focus on the male (and specifically gay male) lens, but only because that's my own perspective; it's the one I know best.

But the fact remains that PrEP information, and ads, and discussions, are all severely lacking. Women are often ignored and forgotten by agencies advertising PrEP. Some might argue, and it's true, that men make up the largest portion of folks at highest risk for HIV infection, but this doesn't excuse the invisibility of women in these areas, and particularly women of color; the same statistics from the CDC show that straight Black women are the fourth most at-risk group for HIV infection.

Some cities are doing better than others at addressing this. Chicago's PrEP4Love ad campaign and website have done a wonderful job of busting up that tradition, with beautiful photos of a spectrum of couples, both gay and straight, with primarily models of color.

The San Francisco AIDS Foundation has an entire site dedicated to women's questions and concerns about PrEP; their site is also focused on communities of color, and has a selection of resources in Spanish as well.

Certainly those two sites and ad campaigns, and the few others out there, don't make up for the horrendous lack of resources for women; every sexually active person can potentially benefit from access to PrEP, and we're hurting ourselves and our communities terribly by ignoring whole groups. This has to stop. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

One-Month Doctor Visit

It actually happened about a week after the one-month mark, but I went in this past Monday for my first check-in with my PCP since beginning PrEP. This visit was really just for two things: a kidney panel to make sure that my kidney function hasn't been impacted by the Truvada; and the next booster for the Hep A/B vaccine that I needed.

The kidney labs came back yesterday (according to my PCP, my kidney function "looks great"). Unfortunately, so did a swift kick from the vaccine. Normally vaccines don't cause me any side-effects, but I've been sleeping badly for the past week, so I'm sure I wasn't at 100% to begin with. Anyway, yesterday and today I've been feeling run down and just sort of overall crummy. A little better today but, well, it sucks.

Two more months til my next PrEP check-in with my doctor. That visit (which will take place three months into my PrEP prescription,) will cover a lot more: full-panel HIV/STI tests, liver and kidney labs, cholesterol check, and my yearly physical. Not all of that is required to stay on PrEP (just the HIV test and liver/kidney labs), but it's a handy opportunity to cover more ground anyway, so why not take advantage?

Still at 100% adherence.

Cheers, folks!

Friday, February 12, 2016

PrEP IS Love | Happy Valentine's Day!

This weekend is Valentine's Day, so I'm gonna keep this short, and just share a picture this time. I know it sounds kinda cheesy, but whether it's PrEP, condoms, or some combination, protecting yourself protects others, too. There's not much more lovely than that. Happiest Valentine's Day, folks! Stay safe. <3

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

One Month!

[T-Plus 30 Days. A Month!]

Yep, you read that right (and if you've been following the blog, you've maybe been waiting for it)... As of fifteen minutes ago, I took my 30th dose of Truvada, on the 30th day of my prescription. 100% adherence, folks! 

Finished my first bottle tonight!

Looking back, it's been a hell of a month: the first few days with my prescription were completely smooth, followed by about a week or so there with some pretty constant, low-grade nausea (which, to be fair, I could have gotten a prescription for, but really it was never bad enough to ruin my days or interrupt my work, and I tend to be the type that avoids extra prescriptions when I can). That nausea went away pretty quickly after that though, and since then it's been wonderful.

I've had to use my travel meds bottle repeatedly, which makes me really glad I made the thing. I think I've refilled it a half dozen times so far.

My prescription refills automatically until my doctor or I cancel it, so there's never a lapse in doses, but I do still have to go in to see my PCP this coming Monday so that I can get labs drawn (an HIV test and a liver function test this time). Assuming that goes well, I won't have to go back again for another two months.

People have asked me a lot of questions about PrEP (online and elsewhere). They've also asked me a lot of questions about me, which I definitely brought on myself to a degree by being so vocal about going on PrEP (I'm "out" to friends and family about being on it), but which I still find kinda uncomfortable sometimes (I told you I was on PrEP, not that I wanted to share my detailed sexual history with you...).

Oh, and I got my next bottle of Truvada last night (you can see it above), and with it, a big reminder about how important the copay card and insurance are. You can see it in the picture below (I made a meme out of a part of the pharmacy receipt):

Yep, that's a bit of my actual pharmacy receipt.

After insurance and the copay card, I paid nothing for my Truvada. Before? That one bottle of 30 pills would have cost nearly $1,800 retail, which works out to about $60 per pill. There might be some folks who can swing that totally out of pocket, but I am definitely not one of them (they don't pay Case Managers/Social Workers much here in the US). Cost is definitely a consideration when it comes to medications (though ideally it never should be); it's a big deal that there are options to make the safety PrEP affords accessible for many people. There need to be more options now, for everyone.

Now on to month two... Cheers, folks!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

February 7th is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Communities of color are still disproportionately impacted by HIV the US, and until recently, very little has been done to change that. February 7th is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The best way to celebrate is to make a plan: get tested, ‎know your status‬, talk to your doctor about risk, and talk to partners and friends about prevention.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

PEP, PrEP, and TasP

[T-Plus 26 Days... Almost a month!] 

26 days and 26 pills into my first prescription for PrEP. I can't believe it's been nearly a month already! Sure, it was rough at first, but it's been great for the past couple weeks now. There have been some really interesting social side-effects to getting on it that I didn't expect, though.

The first of these is that many people seem to feel a lot more entitled to ask me questions about my sex life. That isn't a problem for me, since a lot of my work involves talking about different aspects of human sexuality, but it's still surprising. A lot of those sorts of questions ultimately come down to asking me why I'm getting on PrEP: do I have an HIV-positive partner? (I don't, but I could!) Do I want to have sex bareback? (Sure, sometimes, but that's not really why I'm on PrEP.) How risky am I, exactly? (Depends on a lot of things.)

The other thing that I've found is a lot of confusion about PrEP versus other medication-based prevention methods (when people have even heard of them). There are a lot of ways to prevent HIV transmission, but there are really only three major types that use medications at the moment: PEP, PrEP, and TasP. To make these a little easier to tell apart, I made a chart, which you can take a look at below (I'll describe the three prevention methods in more detail in a moment).

PEP, PrEP, and TasP - Three Medication-Based HIV Prevention Methods.

Alright, so the one thing that all three of these prevention methods have in common is that they all involve getting a prescription for one or more HIV medications (anti-retroviral therapies/medications, or ART's). The medications work exactly the same way inside the body no matter why a person is taking them, though different medications prevent the virus' activity in lots of different ways. Each method is intended for a different stage in HIV's "life-cycle".

Please forgive me in advance, but for the sake of making these prevention methods a little easier to understand, I'm going to use the analogy of hormonal birth control. I know it's drastically over-simplifying things, and I'm not trying to compare pregnancy to illness except very, very loosely. Okay...

PEP - Post-Exposure Prophylaxis - PEP is a method of HIV prevention for emergencies; a person who believes they're HIV-negative (a doctor will confirm this before prescribing PEP) and thinks or knows that they've just been exposed to HIV can get a prescription for one or two ART meds to stop the infection from taking hold before it can get started. PEP is a short-term prescription, normally lasting for about a month. PEP is usually prescribed by an emergency room doctor (because it has to be prescribed within 72 hours of the suspected exposure), but it can be prescribed by a Primary Care Provider as well.

You can think of PEP as being like the morning-after pill for HIV: you get it right after sex (or blood contact, in the case of PEP) to stop things right after the fact.

Strict adherence to a PEP regimen is necessary to ensure it is most effective.

PrEP - Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis - PrEP is a medium- to long-term prevention strategy that involves getting a prescription for a single, daily ART pill (presently Truvada, which contains two medications - tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine) in order to prevent HIV infection in people that are confirmed to be HIV negative. Going on PrEP is a commitment, because as with PEP, strict adherence ensures that PrEP is most effective, but taken regularly and on time, taking PrEP can prevent HIV infection even through repeated exposures over an extended time.

People get on PrEP for a lot of reasons: yes, some because they absolutely hate condoms; but also for some because they have an HIV-positive partner (or might not want HIV to stand in the way of possible future partners); because they use IV drugs or have a lot of anonymous sex; or because they simply want to reduce their risk for contracting HIV. Most people take PrEP for some months to years during periods of higher risk for HIV infection.

You might think of PrEP as being a bit like going on the pill - it's a daily dose of a medication that, if taken properly, stops things in advance.

TasP - Treatment as Prevention - TasP refers to people who are HIV-positive, who are adherent to their HAART regimen and virally suppressed (the amount of active virus in the person is "undetectable" - so little that it's virtually missing when a doctor looks at their blood). A person who's HIV is undetectable has a much, much lower chance of transmitting their virus to a partner regardless of any other prevention methods. Yes, you read that right - an HIV-positive person whose virus is well-managed can theoretically have unprotected sex, even repeatedly, and not pass on the virus to their partner. This doesn't mean a condoms shouldn't be part of the equation, too (that goes for PrEP as well), but it means that with good medical care, safe and active sex-lives are possible for and with poz folks.

The birth control metaphor kind of falls apart here. A better analogy for TasP might be taking medication to treat herpes - it's a lifelong regimen, but while on it, the risk of transmission is reduced.

As with PEP and PrEP, strict adherence to a HAART regimen is necessary to ensure the greatest risk reduction.

I hope this post has been helpful for some people. You're more than welcome to share the image above, as long as you don't crop or edit it in any way. You can find a shareable post - including the chart - on Truvotter PrEP's Facebook page.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Dating on PrEP

[T-Plus 22 Days.]

So, I'm closing in on nearly a month on PrEP now, and the side effects have all but completely faded; add to that the snow day that I ended up with today, and I figured it was time to update my online dating profile. Mostly that involved tidying up bits that were old and outdated, like where I'm working, what my big goals are, that sort of thing. But I decided to add something to my profile that I hadn't had there before: my PrEP status. Check out the paragraph I added below (click the picture for a larger view):

I spent a lot of time thinking about it before I decided to do this; knowing the stigma around PrEP, I worried (I still worry, a little) that it might turn some people off of my profile. Across the community, there's still a really persistent myth that people on PrEP are promiscuous, unfaithful, irresponsible, etc.,... not things I want people to think about me when I'm looking for a date.

Except that picture is the furthest thing from the truth. If you've been reading the blog for a while, you've heard me say this before: I'm not an especially big risk-taker when it comes to my sex life. I've had plenty of partners, but I'm not spending all day every day on Grindr or SCRUFF, or out at the bar or bathhouse. To me, taking PrEP (and telling people that I'm on it on my dating profiles) is a really important part of NOT being risky. Sure it means that I can explore my sexual tastes and fantasies a little more freely, because I don't have to fear that I'm exposing myself to a very serious virus in the process, but it also means that I'm taking the fullest control of my safety and that of my partners that I possibly can. I think that's a really important thing to tell potential dates/partners/spouses: I care about my health, I care about your health, and I'm willing to be honest, even though that means being pretty vulnerable. I don't know about anyone else, but to me, that's the core of any good relationship.

So yeah, I put it up on my okCupid profile. Already, some people have responded, including one cute guy who happily even mentioned that he had no problem with me being on PrEP, and that he'd been thinking of getting on it himself.

Cheers, friends!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Busy Week, But Still On Track

[T-Plus 19 Days.]

I can't believe it's been nearly a week since I last posted! What a week it's been, too; between work, starting another semester of grad school, and adulting the crap out of my day to day chores and stuff, I haven't had a lot of time to post. I have been keeping up with my adherence thoough. Check it out:

Keepin' on track.

Bam! Okay, so the "monthly" adherence bit is a little misleading, since I started PrEP on January 12th, but still, even with a super busy week, I've managed to keep on track with my daily dose every single day so far. Being this busy has made me pretty thankful for that emergency pill bottle I put together, though! I refilled it twice this week; four out of the last five days I've taken my Truvada away away from home, whether at class, at work, or out with a friend. In class, I talked to my professor in advance, and just let her know that I had a medication I have to take at 7pm each day. She was totally fine with it, and I was able to take my pill in class on a break she offered right around dosing time (you can see it there on Thursday, in the picture above). So, pretty proud of myself for keeping on schedule. 

The funny thing is, getting myself organized around taking my PrEP every day has helped my adherence to my Lisinopril (a blood pressure medication) tremendously. Maybe it's just that the app is making me more aware of my dosing times, but I think there's more to it than that; I think that the motivation I've had to get and stay on PrEP has encouraged me to be more engaged with my health overall. It's a good feeling. So is having a consistent, guaranteed appointment for HIV/STI testing and labs - I've always been a fan of knowing about my health... and TERRIBLE at scheduling... so having something mandatory and predictable is fantastic.

Hey, and my side effects are just about completely gone! I gotta say, it was kinda crummy those first couple weeks, building up protection but not feeling good enough to, um, use  that protection. Look, I know what you're thinking, I can hear the "Truvada whore" comments starting to bubble up, but I'm being honest here; I want to get laid. Um, duh. Not crazy, run-to-the-bathhouse and f*ck ten guys kinda laid, but something. And it sucks not feeling like it. But two weeks worth of feeling a little off is nothing compared to the alternative. So, I'm not complaining.

Cheers, friends.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Calculating Risk

[T-Plus 13 Days!]

Normally I save these sorts of things for Truvotter PrEP School's Facebook page, and in fact it's up there too, but the tool I'm linking to below is really worth a look.

What is it? It's a calculator that estimates the number of people you've been sexually exposed to in your life. Remember, most partners that most people have been with have themselves been with some number of people before them. It's not shameful, it's a fact of human sexuality! It's an important thing to be aware of, though, because it says something about sexual safety and risk; namely, the more partners you've had, and the more partners they've had, the more likely you are to have been exposed to sexually transmitted infections.

All this doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have fewer partners! You can have as many happy and consenting partners as you'd like, as long as you're taking the appropriate precautions for the level of risk you're taking. In general, if you're engaging in riskier behaviors and/or with more partners, it's best to use more layers of protection - whatever options work best for you (and your partner). Regular testing should always be part of the equation, but beyond that, it's up to you.

This was a big part of my decision to go on PrEP, but also a big aspect of the stigma that's still attached to both HIV and PrEP, especially among the gay community. Many of you may have heard the term "Truvada whore" - a gay guy whose supposed sole goal for getting on PrEP is to go completely nuts and f*ck every guy he can find with no condoms. I'm a generally pretty quiet guy, but more than a few people have asked me outright if some version of that is why I got on PrEP.

The reality is that sure, there are probably a few people who get on PrEP mainly so they can spend all day at the bathhouse without packing a stack of rubbers. But so what? Sure, it's not the smartest move - PrEP only prevents HIV transmission, it doesn't touch syphilis or herpes or gonorrhea - but that person is still taking some responsibility for their sexual health and that of their partners. If they're being adherent to their Truvada, and getting their regular tests, then they can be pretty darn sure they aren't becoming positive, and that means that their partners aren't either.

Besides all that, though, the reality (at least that I can say anecdotally) is that the majority of people who get on PrEP are already looking out for their sexual health in one way or another, and are simply looking for a greater degree of security. I personally don't take a whole lot of risk in my sex life (I've had plenty of partners, but I generally insist on condoms, I talk about safety with them, etc.,) but for me, PrEP is still important. The risk of becoming HIV+ is a reality in the world today, especially for sexually active folks. I chose to get on PrEP because to my mind, my level of risk was enough to make it worth it. Given that it's free (for me, so far), and that there's work still to be done before we reach a cure, I feel an obligation to take this level of responsibility to look out for myself and whoever I sleep with.

Thanks for humoring my little soapbox here - I knew the myths surrounding PrEP going in to this process, but it's been fascinating and a little frustrating sometimes to encounter them face to face.

Cheers, folks!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Day Twelve - Protection Up, Side Effects Down

[T-Plus 12 Days.]

Twelve days in now, which means I'm getting close to half way through my first month on PrEP. I've taken my doses on time (well, within about 45 minutes of my alarm) every night so far, and at this point I should be very, very protected from infection; for the most part, things have gone smoothly, but the nausea I was experiencing at first lasted a bit longer than I expected, and I've gone for about a week with some mild indigestion. Not fun, but not debilitating at all, and my appetite has been fine. On the upside, it's been getting better daily, and my doctor explained that most side effects pass within a month.

In terms of adherence, I've been digging into the MediSafe app I've been using a little more. There are several handy features that I've found beyond the ones I described in my previous post; you can see a lot of those features in play in the picture below:

MediSafe adherence app.

There are a few things going on here. The app tracks my medications in a virtual "Pill Box" each day. If I click on a medication, I see a box like the one pictured above, displaying the next scheduled dose of the medication that day, dosing instructions/preferences, the number of remaining pills (which I've set in the Profile portion of the app), and when I have my refill reminder set (in about two weeks as of this posting). The app also lets me enter my prescription numbers, which is handy when I get texts from my pharmacy for automatic refills, since that's the only identifier I gen in them.

I haven't had to use a pill from my emergency stash yet, but I expect I will soon; I'm taking an evening graduate course each week this spring, and it generally runs past my dosing time. I could wait until I get home afterwards, but I'd rather stay as consistent about my timing as possible, so my plan is to speak with the professor and ask permission to step out for a moment each night. I don't need to tell her what specifically I'm taking, but I can explain that it's an important, time-sensitive medication. Schools in the United States are generally expected to make minor accommodations for health and wellness, so this should be adequate. If you're a student as well, don't be afraid to ask for permission to go take your PrEP when it's time! It only takes a moment, and by speaking with your professors, you should have no trouble keeping your dosing schedule punctual and consistent.

Cheers, folks!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day Eight - First Week of Protection

[T-Plus 8 Days.]

Eight days and eight pills in, and I think I'm starting to get myself on a routine - I've been using my app to track my adherence (it's actually kinda satisfying to be able to look back at see "100% Adherence" on my medication report), and so far I've managed to take my meds within about 30 minutes of the reminder I set (currently 7pm, or right around dinner time so that I have something in my stomach when I take my dose).

Truvada doesn't have to be taken with food - Gilead points out that "food does not affect how Truvada works" - but upset stomach is one of the most common side effects of the medication, and I have a sensitive stomach, so I'm all about taking precautions - remember, if you throw up a dose you just took, that dose is lost. If you caught some of my previous posts, I had a couple of rough mornings a couple of days in (this past Friday and Saturday) when the nausea was worst, but since then that's passed, and this morning I felt pretty normal (for whatever that's worth...).

So now the trick is gonna be keeping up this new routine; I'd like to be able to go into my first follow-up appointment having taken every one of my pills on time. This has a couple benefits for me: if nothing else, it means I've been as protected as I can be for the entire past month, but besides that it also tells me that my kidney function labs (which they'll draw at that first follow-up) will be as accurate as possible. It doesn't seem likely at this point that the Truvada has been hurting my kidney or liver function (I'm not experiencing jaundice, or any other sign of renal failure), but ya never know until you check.

Week one of meds went great - here's hoping the first week of protection goes at least as well.

Cheers, friends!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Day Six - Achieving Protection

[T-Plus 6 Days.]

Took my sixth pill last night, which means today is the sixth full day of Truvada (PrEP) in my system. This means that sometime between today and tomorrow, I should reach the peak level of Truvada in my system, and thus peak protection from HIV infection (current research suggests it takes about 5-7 days for the body to build up enough of the meds to provide maximum protection). So, um, woohoo! 

This is why keeping up my adherence is such a big deal though. I know I said it repeatedly in my last post, but I don't think I can emphasize enough how important it is to take my PrEP every single day. Because a level of the meds persists in my system for a while, I can miss a dose here and there and still be well-protected, especially once I've been taking it for a while. This is a good reminder that I don't have to freak out if I forget a dose from time to time, but it's not an excuse to be bad about my dosing! It's really easy to get "too busy" or whatever, but if I'm missing too much, then I'm not protected.

So I've taken up a couple of habits to try to keep my adherence up:

First off, I downloaded an app that helps me track my meds and my adherence. The one I opted for is called MediSafe, but there are loads of others (perhaps sometime soon I'll start assembling a list of other apps in the Resources tab).

Pictured below, MediSafe allows folks to do a number of things that help stay adherent. When you first open it, it asks for a list of your medications, as well as their dosing instructions. You can edit this list whenever you want, and it also lets you add medications you take "as-needed", such as aspirin or antacids. After that, you have your daily "pill box", which displays all of each day's medications, quartered off by time of day that they're supposed to be taken. Each medication that you take on a regular basis comes with a reminder, and those reminders can be customized; I personally love the Star Wars-themed "medtone". Over the course of time, MediSafe tracks your adherence, and it can generate reports in a couple formats (including Excel spreadsheets) that you can export and email to, say, your doctor.

MediSafe adherence tracking report.

The second thing I did was to make an emergency to-go bottle of my most important medications, so that I always have some doses with me - there's always the chance that I'll spend the night at somebody's place... or maybe work really late or something. I used a small pill bottle from an old prescription, and taped my own label over it with a list of the medications in there and their colors (I suppose that's a little bit obsessive, but I want to be sure that the pills aren't mistaken for something else if it's ever found by, say, airport security or something). You can see a picture of it below.

My emergency to-go medication bottle.

So that's it for now. I've been spot-on with adherence for the past week, and hopefully I'll stay that way. I had a couple of rough patches in the mornings on Friday and Saturday (I got pretty nauseous both mornings, but both days it went away within a few hours, and since then it's been getting easier each morning). I'll check in again soon. If you're reading this, please feel free to post comments and questions - I'd love to answer what I can!

Cheers, friends!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Two Days In - Pill Three Mini-Post

Update - I took my third dose of Truvada tonight. So far I've taken it with food, but tonight I didn't think, and took it before dinner. That was definitely a mistake - the really mild upset stomach I had all day kicked up a notch or so tonight while I was having dinner with a friend. Don't worry, nothing bad happened, but my appetite dropped, and now my stomach's pretty twisted up. Boooo! So um, food before PrEP from now on, definitely.

Two Days In - Side Effects and Adherence

[T-Plus 2 Days]

Two days and two doses into my first month of PrEP today. I took my first dose the night before last, and yesterday was pretty normal - no headache, no nausea. I thought I might have gotten a little dizzy that first evening, a couple hours after I took my first dose, but it could have as easily been that I was just tired.

Today was a slightly different story. Took my second dose last night (no dizziness afterwards), and woke up this morning with a slightly sour stomach. It wasn't much, just a little a little extra rumbling and a little lower appetite (which came back fast a couple hours later). The indigestion has persisted through the day, but it's still low-grade, and doesn't seem likely to get any worse.

My doctor prepared me for this possibility (and of course I had done my research about side-effects in advance); my doctor explained during my most recent appointment that if I experienced any nausea after starting PrEP and was concerned about it, he could prescribe medications to help. So far, I don't think that's going to be a concern, but it's good to know that there are options. As it is, my doc and my research all explained that typically any side-effects don't generally last more than a month.

It's really important to note here that if you're taking Truvada (for PrEP or otherwise), you should always consult with your doctor before adding another medication, including over-the-counter meds and even for side-effects. This is because Truvada, as with many meds, has some potential interactions with other medications (though in the case of Truvada, those are fairly few). A doctor familiar with your health and medication history can suggest the best options depending on the side-effects you're experiencing.

Okay, so I'm coping with the minor side-effect. Next step is adherence.
[Adherence describes how consistently a person takes their prescribed medications or treatments on-time. In this situation, "on-time" is generally accepted as being within two hours on either side of one's regular dosing time - so if you take your medication at 9pm normally, then as long as you're taking your next dose between 7pm and 11pm, you're considered on time. If you're consistently taking your doses on time, without missing, every day (in the case of Truvada), then you're considered fully adherent.]

Adherence can be tough. Life gets freakin' busy sometimes... which unfortunately means that things get forgotten, including medications. I've been guilty of this plenty - I'm supposed to take a blood pressure medication every day, but for a long time, I'd miss or nearly miss as many as a few doses each week. Not good. For both the blood pressure meds and Truvada, I need to have what's called a "therapeutic level" of the medication in my system for it to be properly effective. In the case of Truvada for PrEP, the more doses I miss in a week, the less protected from HIV I am. So yeah, adherence is super important.

Right now it's early in the process - I'm still pretty excited to have gotten on PrEP (I think I will always be amazed that I live in a time when something like this is even available) - so my adherence is probably going to be great at first. It's fresh in my mind, too. The bigger deal is keeping that up, because as I said before, the more I miss, the less protected I am. Perfect adherence is the goal. That doesn't mean I can't miss sometimes (it's pretty likely I'll miss a dose eventually), but I've gotta try to take it as consistently as possible. As it is, my doctor explained that I won't have a protective level in my system starting off for somewhere between five and seven days, so I really can't miss early on.

There are lots of ways to help with this. One suggestion I've gotten repeatedly is to use a weekly or monthly pill box; this lets me parcel out my meds for easy access, but also has the benefit of letting me track missed doses easily. The problem is I'm terrible at keeping up with those, not to mention I like having my medications in their bottles so if I have to travel with them, they're right there with all of the important prescription information. Other folks have suggested using a calendar near where I store my meds, but I'm terrible with (paper) calendars, too (you should see my office at work - I think the wall calendar there is on September of last year...)

The best bet for me has been to use either a reminder in my phone, or an app that lets me organize my meds. Both work really well for me, especially since I keep my phone with me more than any other calendar. For me, the apps are best, because they allow you to track missed doses in the same way a real pillbox does, but of course you should find a system that matches your schedule and preferences; the apps offer the most detailed adherence tracking, and can even let you transmit that information to your doctor, but as with any digital medium, there are potential privacy concerns that might turn some people off of apps. Whatever system works, take your meds!

And that's it for now. I'll check in again in a couple of days - with any luck the upset stomach will have faded by then!

Cheers, friends!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


[T-Minus 0. ZERO!]

Cheers, friends!

So, in many ways this post is long overdue; I even considered splitting it into parts briefly. A lot has happened since my last post!

Alright, so last week I snagged a Gilead copay assistance card (you have to get one and activate it beforehand, so that when you go to pick up your script, they can apply the additional assistance). Of course, I promptly forgot that I took one, and so it lived in my bag, totally inactivated, until yesterday. Yeah, I'm a horrible procrastinator. 

SO, yesterday I pulled it out and finally called. The process was super easy - a series of automated menus, and a few prompts for my name and phone number, and then it was active. Easy! The whole process took me about 7 minutes. I'm so glad I did it, too - but I'll get to why in a second. There's one really important thing to know about the copay assistance program: it is not available for people on Medicaid/Medicare, or anyone receiving any sort of state or federal assistance (such as participating in a state-run Drug Assistance Program). Gilead's program is specifically designed to make their medications accessible for those who can't get other assistance - those without insurance, those whose insurance doesn't cover Truvada (or does, but at an extremely high copay, as mine does), and so on. Make sure that you know all of your options for assistance before you plan to start filling scripts - there is no reason that any person should not be able to get Truvada for PrEP (or for HIV treatment) because of cost. Period.

Okay, so copay assistance card, check. That done, I went to my follow-up appointment with my doctor yesterday afternoon. I'd already gotten the results of my initial labs (an HIV test and liver and kidney function panels), which all looked good (no HIV, liver and kidneys doin' their thing), but in order to get on PrEP, standard practice is to perform a follow-up (confirmatory) HIV test. They took some blood, and I headed home; my PCP had explained that he should have the results the next morning, and that if they were clear, then he'd call in the prescription. 

This afternoon, I got a text from my pharmacy that I had a prescription waiting. When I got off of work, I ran over and picked up my prescription (copay card in hand). Remember I mentioned that I was really glad I'd activated that card? Well, the reason why: my prescription was free. Yep, totally free... after insurance and the copay assistance, I walked out the door with a month's supply of HIV prevention with as much little money as I had when I walked in.

Not everyone is going to get their meds for free - even the best insurance and discount programs have some limits. I have decent insurance, so my copay was high, but still low enough to be completely covered by the copay card. Still, given the variety of programs available, there are options to make Truvada affordable for virtually anyone.

Well, so there it is! I took my first dose tonight with a glass of chocolate milk (Truvada can cause nausea for some, so many people recommend taking it with food). Over the next several days, I'll update y'all about my experience beginning to take PrEP, especially any side-effects.

Cheers, folks!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year

[T-Minus 7 Days!]

Well, it's 2016... Happy New Year! Sorry for the brief pause during the holiday season, but this otter's back in business, and down to ONE WEEK until I get my first PrEP prescription! This is, of course, dependent upon my confirmatory negative HIV test, but I'm feeling pretty good about that - this has been a pretty tame holiday season, all around.

Still, one week til I get my first script means that I have some serious preparing to do. First of all, I need to think about cost. As I've mentioned in the past, Gilead has a fantastic copay (and even retail-cost) assistance program, which will help me defray some of the costs of the prescription. but it's best to get that all set up well in advance of trying to fill your script. I haven't actually called yet, so that's going to have to be my main priority this week. Besides that, it's relatively smooth sailing, until I actually start the meds in about a week. Then... we'll see! Most people don't report a lot of side-effects, but they're certainly possible. I'm a little anxious about it, but not enough to stop this process, for sure!

Over the next few days, I'll detail the process of getting signed up for copay assistance and what covering the cost might look like.

Cheers, friends!